Improve your college experience and prepare for a rewarding career

Get your guidebook!

The Optimize Your College Experience student guidebook — a companion to the TruMotivate assessment — is 100% centered on supporting you in your personal, academic, and professional growth. It guides you step-by-step, chapter-by-chapter through the real-world application of your assessment results. 

With 30 hands-on activities, the guidebook will have you reflecting, thinking, and acting so you can find your place within your campus community, take advantage of everything your university has to offer, and align your college experience with a fulfilling career.

The result? Gaining a better understanding of who you are, how you’re motivated, and how to leverage motivation to cultivate deep meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment in your college experience, work, and everyday life.

Image of the TruMotivate Guidebook

Explore topics like:

Your personal motivations

Self-awareness and self-management

Academic major and career path exploration

Belonging and personal fulfillment

Communication and conflict resolution

Productivity and high-performance

Leadership and a success mindset

Group dynamics and working with teams

Interview preparation and internship success

Purchase Your Guidebook Today