Student Story

How Sam Adopted A Success Mindset At Work

Sam Frazier

Sam, a recent graduate of the University of Tampa, Florida experienced TruMotivate in his junior year. The university was a pilot school for peer-to-peer interaction using TruMotivate and Sam, who worked in the university’s Career Services office, was trained as a Peer TruMotivate Facilitator.

Sam Discovered The Impact Of His Stories

Sam had taken several assessments in the past but was never able to put the results into practice. TruMotivate’s results were different, as they were immediately applicable and Sam learned how to tell his story in his voice. 

In his own words…

“You actually get to tell your own stories about times when you felt really satisfied. At first, I started to think of stories that were just really cool achievements. Then I looked deeper into TruMotivate and realized it was more about those times when I genuinely felt satisfied. It was really cool to be able to tell my own story and then figure out why those stories were so impactful for me.”

TruMotivate Highlighted Vital Takeaways From Past Experiences

The thing about the Motivational Report that most resonated with Sam was the information about his ideal work environment. It helped him objectively evaluate past experiences and understand why he felt more burned out in some situations than others.

He shared that, “As I looked deeper into the environments that I thrive in, the times I felt burned out made total sense.”

Sam Learned Mindset Is Part Of Success 

For Sam, working toward success is all about mindset and the language you use. He shared, “I can look at my job as selling an assessment, or I can look at it as selling a product that helps students actually get value out of their (sometimes very expensive) college education.”

This simple mindset shift fosters a more positive outlook on work and life and steps up your mental game as you step out into the world. 

Get Inspired!

As you embrace becoming the CEO of your own life, like Sam, you can use TruMotivate to make smart decisions and identify a balance in life that supports you living as your best self. 

Turn every student into a success story!

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